EFFECTIVE DATE: May 21, 2024
The provision of this website and its products is subject to your acceptance of these terms and conditions (“Terms” or “Agreement”). These terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and volvo598, and you should read them carefully. By agreeing to these terms, you also agree to volvo598 Privacy Policy, Online Return Policy, Store Return Policy, and Shipping Policy, all of which are expressly incorporated herein.
User Obligations
By downloading, accessing or using this website, you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age or have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction (whichever is greater), and you agree to these terms. You also agree to comply with all applicable local, state and national laws and regulations related to your use of this website. You further represent that when submitting information to rolesexy through this website, you will always provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information (and its updates). You may only use this website in the manner permitted by this agreement and may not use this website or its content for any commercial, political, obscene, illegal or improper purpose. rolesexy reserves the right to terminate your access to this website at any time for any reason or no reason. If you register an account on this website, you may be required to specify an email address and password, and rolesexy may from time to time specify other requirements. You agree to be responsible for all activities that occur through your password (and related account access), and you agree to notify rolesexy immediately if you suspect or become aware that your password has been lost, stolen or used without authorization. We reserve the right to terminate your access to this website at any time for any reason or without reason. If you register an account on this website, you may need to specify an email address and password, and Rolxy may specify other requirements from time to time. You agree to be responsible for all activities that occur through your password (and related account access), and you agree to immediately notify volvo598 if you suspect or become aware that your password has been lost, stolen, or used without authorization.
All purchases made through the website are subject to our acceptance. This means that we may, at our sole discretion, refuse to accept or cancel any transaction without incurring any liability to you or any third party. The website does not allow orders from dealers, wholesalers or any other customers who intend to resell the products offered on the website. rolesexy explicitly states that the acceptance of your order is conditional upon your agreement to these terms and all additional terms and conditions provided to you on the website for the management of your purchase of certain products. By ordering products through the website, you agree to provide true, accurate, up-to-date and complete information. rolesexy reserves the right to stop or change the product specifications and prices offered on the website and elsewhere without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to you. Changes in prices and availability will not be notified separately. rolesexy reserves the right to withdraw any offer to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions. It is explicitly stated that accepting your order is subject to your agreement to these terms and all additional terms and conditions provided to you on the website, which are used to manage your purchase of certain products. By ordering products through the website, you agree to provide truthful, accurate, up-to-date, and complete information. Volvo598 reserves the right to stop or change the product specifications and prices provided on the website and elsewhere, without prior notice and without any obligation to you. Price and availability changes will not be notified separately. Volvo598 reserves the right to withdraw any proposal to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions.
Rolesexy hopes that you are satisfied with the products purchased from this website. If you wish to return the items, please review our online return policy and store return policy, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Website Ownership and Content
The materials contained on this website include but are not limited to text, images, designs, photos, videos, audio clips, graphics, button icons, pictures, advertising copy, URLs, technology, software, and the overall layout or “look and feel” of such materials, including copyrighted materials, as well as trademarks, logos, and service marks belonging to rolesexy, its licensors, licensees, or other third parties (collectively, the “Content”). This website and the Content are owned, licensed, or controlled by rolesexy, its licensors, and certain other third parties. All rights, title, and interests in and to the Content and the website are owned by rolesexy, its licensors, or certain other third parties and are protected by the maximum extent of U.S. and international copyright, trademark, trade dress, patent, and other intellectual property and laws. By using this website, you will not acquire any ownership or intellectual property rights or other interests in any item or content on the website. Subject to your agreement to and compliance with this Agreement, rolesexy grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to access, display, view, and use the Content on the website for personal, non-commercial purposes only. You agree that watchapp may immediately and without notice to you suspend or terminate the availability of the website, its Content, or its products, and shall not be liable to you or any third party for doing soYou may immediately and without notice suspend or terminate the availability of the website, its content, or its products, and shall not be liable to you or any third party.
User-Generated Content
By submitting or posting any materials or content (“User Generated Content”) on the website, you grant rolesexy a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive, sub-licensable and transferable license to copy, publish, translate, modify, reformat, create derivative works based on such materials or any part thereof, distribute, reproduce and sublicense. You hereby represent, warrant and undertake that any User Generated Content you provide does not violate any law or the rights of any third party, and that you have full rights to grant rolesexy the above license. rolesexy has the right to use any User Generated Content without any obligation of confidentiality, attribution or indemnification to you.A perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free, global, non exclusive, sublicensable, and transferable license to copy, publish, translate, modify, reformat, create derivative works based on such materials or any part thereof, distribute, duplicate, and sublicense. You hereby declare, warrant, and undertake that any user generated content you provide does not violate any laws or any third-party rights, and you have full authority to grant the aforementioned license to volvo598. Volvo598 has the right to use any user generated content without any confidentiality, attribution, or compensation obligations to you.
责任限制;免责声明。除非法律另有禁止或不适用,本网站以及本网站上或通过本网站提供的所有内容、产品和其他信息均按“原样”和“可用”提供,不提供任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于适销性、适用于特定用途、不侵权、安全性或准确性的保证。 volvo598 不保证:(1) 网站上的信息的准确性、正确性或可靠性;(2) 网站应用程序中包含的功能不会中断或没有错误;或 (3) 缺陷将得到纠正,或网站或提供网站的服务器没有病毒或其他有害组件。在任何情况下,volvo598 或其管理人员、董事、股东、员工、独立承包商或代理人均不对任何间接、特殊、偶然、惩罚性、后果性或示范性损害负责,无论是因合同、侵权、严格责任、担保或其他原因而引起,也不对因本协议、隐私政策、退货政策、运输政策、产品或您对网站或任何产品的使用而引起或与之相关的任何索赔、诉讼原因、费用、成本或损失负责。尽管本文有任何相反规定,本免责声明和责任限制不适用于新泽西州。
This website may contain links to third-party websites, such as those from advertisers, sponsors, content partners and other third parties. The inclusion of any link on this website does not imply our endorsement of that link. Rolesexy explicitly states that it assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content, materials, information provided by, obtained through or promoted on these third-party websites, or for the quality of the products or services offered.It is explicitly stated that it does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of the content, materials, information provided, obtained or promoted through these third-party websites, or the quality of the products or services provided.
You understand, acknowledge, and agree that the operation of certain portions of this Website or the receipt of certain information, such as registering or creating an account on this Website, requires the submission, use, and dissemination of certain personally identifiable information. Please note that by providing your mobile phone number to the Website, you are providing watchapp your electronic signature expressly consenting to be contacted by telephone (including by automated dialing systems, pre recorded messages, SMS and MMS) at the number provided, even if the number you provide is on a corporate, state, or national Do Not Call list. You understand that your consent is not required to make a purchase.
您承认并同意,通过点击任何标有“提交”、“下载”、“下订单”、“我接受”的按钮,或任何用于提交您的账单或送货信息的链接,或任何由volvo598指定的类似链接,您即提交了具有法律约束力的电子签名并订立了具有法律约束力的合同。您承认,您以电子方式提交的内容构成了您同意并愿意受本协议约束。根据任何适用的法律、法规、规则、法令或其他法律规定,包括但不限于美国《全球和国家商业电子签名法案》PL 106-229(“电子签名法案”),您在此同意使用电子签名、合同、订单和其他记录,以及以电子方式交付与通过网站发起或完成的交易或由volvo598提供的交易相关的通知、政策和记录。此外,您放弃根据任何司法管辖区内任何法律、法规、规则、法令或其他法律规定而享有的任何权利或索赔,这些法律、法规、规则、法令或其他法律规定要求原始签名或交付或保留非电子记录,或以非电子方式付款或贷记。
Sales Tax
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